Pain and stiffness in the neck occur with improper loading, as well as some pathological conditions of the cervical spine. Painful sensations in the neck are almost always accompanied by limited mobility - when trying to turn or tilt the head there is a feeling of sharp or growing pain. Sometimes it is so strong that a person is forced to move the whole body instead of moving the neck. In this case, the pain can touch not only the neck, but also give it to nearby areas - chest, arms, head, shoulders; accompanied by tinnitus, numbness of hands and fingers, dizziness.

To prescribe competent treatment, you must determine the causes of neck pain - this will be the task of the specialist you contact. Let’s find out what can cause pain in the cervical spine.
Causes of neck pain
There are two main causes of pain and limitation of neck movement: muscle stiffness and cervical spine disease.
Stiff neck
Stiffness is a condition in which muscles become toned (unable to relax) and resist any attempts to move. Neck muscle stiffness is not an independent disease - it occurs either due to lack of physical activity, or accompanies some diseases.
In connection with a sedentary lifestyle - working at a computer, driving, lack of sports activities - the vertebrae of the cervical spine may move, there are painful pains, cramps caused by improper circulation of the cervical region.
Neck stiffness can also be a symptom of:
- encephalitis, meningitis, cerebral hemorrhage. Other symptoms of these diseases: headache, weakness, nausea, fever, dizziness, rash.
- parkinsonism. It is accompanied by tremors in the body, imbalance and automatism of movement, and speech problems.
- neck injuries. In such cases, the pain always precedes a serious mechanical impact on the neck (fall, blow).
Diseases of the cervical spine
Pain and restriction of movement in the cervical spine can occur due to pathologies of the spine:
- Hernia. Severe pain radiates to the shoulders and arms, palms may tingle and numb, there is a "lumbago neck" - a sharp pain that interferes with the movement of the entire upper body.
- Cervical osteochondrosis. It is accompanied by headache, tinnitus, decreased visual acuity, glittering "flies" in front of the eyes, pain in the arms and shoulders.
- Cervical arthrosis. The pain occurs not only in the neck, but also in the shoulder area. It is most disturbing in the morning and evening.
- Spondylosis. It is accompanied by occipital pain, numbness and tingling of the neck, hearing and vision problems, dizziness may occur.
- Cervical artery asymmetry. It is characterized by tinnitus, headache, darkening of the eyes and high blood pressure.
Which doctor to go to for neck pain?
First of all, we suggest that you consult a general practitioner (therapist) who will determine the further direction of the examination. To clarify the diagnosis and appointment of direct treatment, narrow-focus physicians may be involved: rheumatologist, neurologist, traumatologist, orthopedist. The patient can also be referred to a chiropractor and massage therapist.
Diagnosing the cause of neck pain
After an oral examination, the doctor examines the patient: examines the surface of the neck, checks the sensitivity of the arms and legs, the state of the reflex, determines the presence of muscle cramps and hypertension.
From the hardware techniques used:
- radiography;
- MRI;
- CT scanner;
- electromyography (EMG);
- ultrasound Doppler neck vessels.
Blood and urine tests can be taken to detect inflammatory processes in the body.
Treatments for cervical pain and stiffness
Treatments for neck inflammation may include:
- Physiotherapy sessions (magnetotherapy, electrophoresis, ultrasound therapy, shock wave therapy).
- Prescribing painkillers, sedatives, anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants.
- Methods of holistic medicine (acupuncture, massage, moxibustion, chiropractic, stone therapy, vacuum therapy).
- Physiotherapy, proper workplace organization, body posture control.
- Surgical intervention. Radical methods of surgical treatment are prescribed only in case of inefficiency of conservative methods or in case of a more serious diagnosis, which initially includes surgery.
Treatment of neck pain in a medical center
The high professionalism and impressive work experience of the doctor allows you to choose the appropriate treatment program for neck diseases for each patient. The medical center is equipped with modern high-tech and reliable devices for laboratory and instrumental diagnostics, physiotherapy and treatment. And an experienced masseur and chiropractor will help not only relieve neck pain, but also improve the body in general.
If you are concerned about pain and limited mobility of the neck, make an appointment with us without expecting a worsening of the condition.